Saturday, August 6, 2011

Two visitors in my class

Last week two teachers visited one of my classes at night shift, they are part of the Fulbright Exchange Program. One of them is from my city and he is our PAD, a teacher in charge of articulating activities and visiting classes on behalf of the national authority in English teaching in Educación Secundaria, the other teacher was from a high school in Denver Colorado.
I worked with the video of the song 'Luka' by Suzanne Vega and posters of children from organizations againgst  child abuse. The worksheet was focused on: a first part of listening comprehension and a second one focusing on a critical comprehension of the lyrics. Then the last part was for SS to choose between two tasks: a role-play between the Luka and Suzanne Vega or describing to their class how they imagine Luka's life.
Students were very involved in all the activities and had an active participation and they liked the song very much.
About the visitors, Jennifer, the American teacher told me she liked the class and I worked in a similar way to hers, then we talked about my experience implementing new tools in class and what I have done in other classes. I told them I had started a facebook with one of my groups as an alternative tool to blogs.
To sum up, it was very rewarding to have a positive feedback from outside the class, because it encourages me to go on with what it has worked well and to try new things as I learned from experience.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Assessment result

I'm very happy because my students got good results in their tests, only one student didn't get the minimun mark, so I suppose this is an evidence that the way we have worked has given them the opportunities to learn.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Reading comprehension

This week i proposed my class a reading activity from Braking English News related to exploitation at work.

I chose the activities from the web page and selected the True or False and the activities of synonyms and matching phrases.

Students will have a test next week so it will be a good opportunity to assess what they have learnt about Human Rights so far.

Life goes on and so does school

The course finished and though I feel more relaxed because I don't have deadlines, a tear dropped round my face when I read Donna's last post. It's amazing what a learning community produces in ourselves even when we have never seen each other personally and we probably never will.

I was very happy with my project result and feedback as well with the final course evaluation.

I'm doing an online seminar now about class research and I can't help comparing it with the 'Webskills course', maybe I want to see something of it in the seminar.

I wonder why we cannot create learning communities as we did in this course with the colleagues we work every day. Is that a kind of professional pathology?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Last week reflection

And we finally arrived to the last week and the end of the course.
 It has been an exciting ride for me and based on my peer colleagues reflections I'm sure they share the same feeling of adventure.

This was my very first experience with technology and I'm still facing a few difficulties with the tools I decided to use. However I forget these moments of frustration and soon after I'm thinking about trying something different to overcome difficulties.

My pace integrating technology in class has been slow, but I'm sure I will not be the same teacher I was before this course and for this I must thank Donna, my colleagues in this course, the guest participants, the University of Oregon for offering me this unique opportunity, and the US Embassy in Uruguay.
I also must recognise the great organization of this course in every aspect and the excellent job done by Donna as monitor.

Right now I'm in the first levels of using technology, I need time to explore in dept the full advantages of the tools I'm using and to get to know better those tools I didn't have time to use.

I only have to say THANKS, again.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 9 Assessment of the process

We finally arrived to the Project Report week and we had the opportunity to tell our experiences, and what we learnt from it.

The course is about to finish but I'm planning to review and explore in depth those tools I found most useful but I didn't have enough time to get to know well.

This course has given me the opportunity of joining a teachers' project in my country to share my experiences and what I've learnt.

It has also given me the opportunity to get to know teachers from around the world, get to know their realities and see that no matter how far away our countries are, we share the same expectations, goals and concerns, those that define us as teachers.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 8

We have arrived to the last part of the course. This week I wrote my Project Report draft, it was very stressful because I had to prepare another project presentation for Wednesday, but as this project is based on what I have learned and done in this course it helped me to organize my ideas.

Finally I managed to write it in several stages. I think I will have to add some missing information though.

The process of peer-editing has helped me a lot because reading Marsi's Project Report draft and using the checklist I realize what information I missed.

The task for this week was to create an online course or an online or offline exercise. It is incredible that we are still learning new tools after everything we have seen and tried.
I have found some of the tools before in the process of searching we have followed so far, however I have never used a wiki, HotPotatoes, Test Maker or heard about ANVILL.

I decided to create a wiki to compare it with a class blog. I must recognize it was really difficult to create it and learn how to work with it. And I barely know the basics, so I wonder if my students will find it too difficult to manage.
But that's the idea to see its adventages and disadvantages and take an informed decision.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 7

This week there were two topics of discussions: Learners Autonomy and One Classroom Computer.

As I work mostly with one computer (I tried to use a the library at school where there are some computers but only four of them work and they are very slow, besides the physical space doesn't allow to group work) I chose to focus on the second topic.

Reading the material about the topic I discovered many more uses for Word that I didn't know they existed!, like templates for brochures, project presentations, invitations, and of course letters.

There is also the possibility of organisation of group work while using One Computer, mostly given different tasks for groups while one is using the computer. Simple ideas that help to organise class work with the available resources.

However another thing is when technology is not available, which happens to me this week, but that's another story.

The resources I found most interesting to me were:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 6

This week was much better for me, I wasn't as mixed up as the previous one.
I found some very useful ideas reading Discussion Boards that can be applied also to blog discussions. My students have started posting comments on their class blog, at last!
Some of them have had problems with the link to the blog, others have had problems creating their google accounts, so we dedicated one class to use the four computers to do these tasks while I went with the rest of the students to another room where there is a LCD TV to show them how to make comments and posts. It was all an adventure!!

This week I created the Interactive Power Point for this class with the idea of fostering short discussions during the presentation and after it to set a guided discussion in pairs. So in this way I will be addressing the objectives of promoting speaking skills, preparing them for the formal assessment: discussion, and showing them a different way of presenting a topic because when we discuss about presenting their work they only think about presenting folders.

I must recognise something that Mariah told me that made the difference to me. I was stuck with the topic of values and how to face it, and ask for help on the discussion and she advised me to ask my students what values rule their lives. As my students are young adults and adults I decided to ask them which 'area' of the topic Values they wanted to work on and they came up with Human Rights. So here I am, I finished my Interactive Power Point about it an hour ago.  

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 5 learning

This week we have been reading  and searching about Project Based Learning and Alternative Assessment.

In relation to assessment I use to assess students' work 'informally' a lot with different degrees of objectivity (or subjectivity, as you want to see it), because I keep a template to record students' performances in different areas of language learning and attitudes towards learning, cooperation, solidarity, writing comments about them and even when this will be translated in a grade at last it is a way of taking the whole learner into account.
I had been reluctact so far to use rubrics because I had seen them descontextualized and fixed to any situation or level, but the posssibility of creating a rubric according to the task, level, context and purpose has showed me the usefulness of this tool to assess students' work in a fairer way.

Project Based Learning was not new to me. I had read a book and put it into practice, but it was not a technology based project, so it was completely different.
I wanted to create a web quest to be used with the topic I have to work with my students: Values, but I think the links I got are too difficult for them, so I think the webquest will have to wait a bit and I will start working with the blog as I had planned.